Hello Angular

Angular out of the box is packed with great tools and templates to scaffold a new project in a few minutes.

Install Angular CLI if you do not have it yet using instructions from CLI Command Reference.

Create a new project:

ng new angular-hello-world
cd angular-hello-world
ng test --watch=false --code-coverage

Last command runs unit tests included into the scaffolded project and calculates code coverage.

You should see something like output below if everything was done right:

Chrome 73.0.3683 (Mac OS X 10.14.3): Executed 3 of 3 SUCCESS (0.25 secs / 0.223 secs)

=============================== Coverage summary ===============================
Statements   : 100% ( 7/7 )
Branches     : 100% ( 0/0 )
Functions    : 100% ( 1/1 )
Lines        : 100% ( 6/6 )

Code coverage files stored in /coverage folder. Open /coverage/angular-hello-world/index.html file in browser to see results:

HTML Code Coverage

Get Coveralls access token

Hint: Project should be pushed to GitHub to use Coveralls.

Sign in into Coveralls using your GitHub credentials.

Go to Add Repos page.

Hint: click SYNC REPOS button at the top right corner of the screen if you do not see your repo.

Find your project in the list of available projects and enable it:

Code Coverage

Go to details and record secret access token, you will need it later.

Install Coveralls package

We need to install npm package that enables pushing coverage results to Coveralls:

npm install coveralls --save-dev

Post to Coverage from local machine

Let’s test if we can post generated test coverage to Coveralls.

Hint: Coveralls uses lcov.info file to read code coverage lines. This file is generated out of the box if you used Angualar project scaffolding.

Create .coveralls.yml file in project root and paste secret token into created file:

repo_token: <coveralls-secret-token>

Important: Do NOT commit this file into GIT. Delete it or add into .gitignore after you are done with testing.

Run command line to push code coverage:

cat ./coverage/angular-hello-world/lcov.info | ./node_modules/coveralls/bin/coveralls.js

You can see code coverage being published now:

HTML Code Coverage

Add .circleci/config.yml

Angular documentation includes sample for testing project using Circle CI.

Check it to see if anything is changed after this post is published.

Our script adds a few extra lines to integrate with Coveralls:

version: 2
    working_directory: ~/my-project
      - image: circleci/node:10-browsers
      - checkout
      - restore_cache:
          key: my-project-{{ .Branch }}-{{ checksum "package-lock.json" }}
      - run: npm install
      - save_cache:
          key: my-project-{{ .Branch }}-{{ checksum "package-lock.json" }}
            - "node_modules"

      - run:
          name: Lint
          command: npm run ng lint
      - run:
          name: Unit Test
          command: npm run ng test -- --watch=false --code-coverage
      - run:
          name: Coveralls
          command: cat ./coverage/angular-hello-world/lcov.info  | ./node_modules/coveralls/bin/coveralls.js

Configure CircleCI

Login into CircleCI using GitHub credentials and Set Up yor project.

Hint: You can skip configuration steps as it is only generates .circleci/config.yml file that we already have. You can safely click Start building button as soon as you see it.

Go to project setting in CircleCI and add environment variable COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN with value storing secret Coveralls access token.

Now everything is configured. Every push into every branch triggers build using CircleCI and publishes code coverage.

It is also a right time to enforce coverage rules or setup pull request alerts.


Do not forget to add Coveralls and CircleCI badges to README.md file.

CircleCI Coverage Status

Happy Covering!